About our Bureau
Motherwell & Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau is here to offer free, impartial and confidential advice to people living in Motherwell, Wishaw, Shotts and the surrounding area. We deliver support and guidance on a range of topics, giving people the information they need to deal with any situation and improve their lives. Please drop in to speak to one of our highly trained advisors.
Every year Motherwell & Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau works with 11,500 clients and helps resolve 28,000 issues. As a registered charity, we rely on donations and the work of our volunteers to continue to provide these important services.
Our aims, values and equality statement.
Aims and equality statement
We provide free, independent, impartial and confidential advice and information to ensure that people understand their rights and responsibilities and can express their needs effectively. We campaign and influence to tackle the root cause of the problems people face and work to strengthen their rights.
We believe that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity and that no client, job applicant, worker or volunteer should receive less favourable treatment than another on grounds of age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, or sexual orientation.
We promote human rights and social justice and will not tolerate or practice unfair discrimination of any kind. We are committed to our obligations under the Equality Act 2010, and we extend these obligations to other aspects of equality such as socio-economic status, education, personality, social exclusion and communication style.
We value diversity and promote dignity and inclusion to strengthen our network and our service.
Our values capture who we are, how we work and what we believe in. They were identified through discussion with volunteers, staff and trustees from Citizens Advice Bureaux across Scotland and people working within Citizens Advice Scotland. Our values describe how we treat other people, and how we expect to be treated in return. Everyone within the Citizens Advice network in Scotland has a contribution to make to ensure we deliver on the strategic plan and continue to live our values.
We believe that these values help us work with direction and purpose in a way that builds strong relationships, delivers positive outcomes for the people of Scotland, and which makes the Citizens Advice network in Scotland a rewarding place to work. In delivering the strategic plan through turbulent times we will all make decisions in line with these values about what we must prioritise. In doing so we look after our health and wellbeing, find a healthy work-life balance and develop our skills and capabilities.
- Person-centred - we are committed to the wellbeing of our clients, volunteers and staff and take a whole-person approach to our work.
- Empowering - we invest in people and support them to take action on the challenges they face.
- Supportive - we are caring and respectful and make sure that people receive the support they need to improve their lives.
- Inclusive - we are non-judgemental, friendly and offer expert service to anyone who is in need of our help.
- Collaborative - we work together as a network and with other partners in an open, respectful way, to build trust even when opinions differ.